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About Me

​I hail from Puri (find more here), famous for Jagannath Temple and the longest Golden Beach, the Puri beach. Being an Army brat, I have traveled to most parts of beautiful India, from North-South to East-West. Being exposed to diverse cultures, traditions, and landscapes allowed me to develop a broader perspective and a deeper appreciation for the rich tapestry that is Indian culture.


I graduated from the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) - Mohali with a Bachelor's and Master's in Physics and a minor in Astronomy. Apart from that, I was an avid participant in the Physics club (φ@I - pronounced as "phi (greek) at I (for IISERM)"), Astronomy club, and Sports clubs of IISER Mohali. I was the basketball coordinator during 2020-22 at IISERM.


To know more about me, and my past and present research, have a look at my CV (click to view/download).

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